Sunday 25 February 2018

Art spring !

Spring without magic like summer with no love .
Nothing special comes from nothing !

I’m a girl who likes to play with words so, I write crazy words ! 
Life of a book is yourself life and the breath of your own soul ! 
What really will be I don’t know but, 
I only dream that will be magic someday for me to ! 
I love to write my mind because it doesn’t know from where 
it comes or where it goes the words but my heart knows it . 
I write my soul in the song that never I will sing ! 
Am I a art girl who dream about the dreams that aren’t a life, yet ? 
! When I have a book that can travel I stay still to the end of my breath ! 
I was a girl there, in a book with my open dreams that never will travel ! 
I wonder what spooky things I write and what it is in my head that is like a bliss ?! 
Art is a color like when you write your soul with a word .

- A. A. Popovici,

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