Saturday 11 June 2022

To an old girl... An Invitation ?

I think a little brain you need in your head 
When you think to go to give an invitation
Or to call an old girl or a boy to a wedding ..
Who knows if that person with a disability
Because you know something; ?
Maybe, that boy or girl in their lifes will 
Never meet someone to marry,
They can only dream or wait all their life but anyway...
I think you should be a really close friend to him or her 
To give something so special, don't you think so ?
What is so special to get married in these days haha,
When all of normal people say;
Yes!, for all the life and all their days in health and sickness 
And then when a problem of life comes in their lifes 
They give up on that ( Amazing Love, ) you know ?!
They say this things in front of all Church! 
We only have standards and rituals not;
Love, Compassion, Kindness, for those around us !
So, do not give an invitation just simple like that
Because all things in these days look like 
As a business even in a wedding day in Churchs !

By the way;
In the Bible it doesn't say the wedding must be done in church
Or even to receive the blessings there, all it is ...
Just some rituals and standards which if you do not accomplish them ,
They- the big boss are with the eyes on you !

Dear Reader,
I can say; OMG ?!!!
Haha, when people don't think with the heart or a soul in them
They think only with their feet , to sad !
I had one day a call from a girl that I never know her or meet before ,
I have seen her few times but never know her as a close friend ...
That was many years ago and she sound like this;

___ can you pray for my ( wedding dress )? 
That all goes really good and by the way for my ( civil marriage )?
Really ,you all normal people ?! Do I need to say this twice ?
Where are your good manners ? 
You tell yourself that your a child of God 
But where is your kind feelings for others ? ..
:))  And the list goes on !..

! remember !.
I know that flowers of happiness are not for those unnormal ,
Even in a breath of hope but 
Life must be lived in silence even like this,!

- A. A. Popovici,

Tuesday 7 June 2022

Disability in Churchs ?!


Ya, haha really good one you know ?!
I asked myself many times ! 
In our churches, 
Why they don't teach us about different people to ?
They talk only: 
What you should not do or pray for your own sins and that's all...
Should that be the only topics they talk all sundays ?
If you have your own brain in your head and the 
Bible that you read all day ,
I think you really know between what it is good and not, 
Don't you ?
Why they teach from an 
Avon that you should not have an 
iPhone in your pocket ?
Only do that and don't do that ,
Is this the only thing that you have to listen to
And go all sundays to church ?
How come they stopped to talk about the real Jesus 
That is in the Bible ?
Where is that preach of different people in the churchs ?
Or is just a preach of normal people only ?

By the way: 
What it is really ~the Normal ? 
Disability and humans people do not have the right to their
Dreams or desire that we should speak about even in a preach of sundays morning ?
Did not Jesus come for those in need ?
So , why we need to know only how we should dress up 
And pray and listen and so on ,,
To some men that even they are caught in their own sins ?! 
And now they teach us how we must live our lifes !

In churchs no one is teaching us about such things like -
How you should see your disability , haha !
When only the normal have the right and even in the 
Churchs pastors talk about normal things in this life and 
Not about ugly people or of those with a disability 
So , even in the society you don't have the right 
To dream big or to have a normal life like everyone else !
So , what is the point to all of this ?

Dear Reader ,
Know something:

Even in the Bible -
People with disability they don't marry !
Bible talks about one person there , Mephibosheth ..
That He was married and had a family and also that he could not walk so,.
For me it is just too funny you know...
Because in the Bible it doesn't say anything about person like us- disabled.
To have a normal life or to be someone in this world 
Some of people think that we even sleep in our wheelchair -
In our church many think that we must have always a smile on our faces ...
So ,we are like some dolls or something ?!
We don't think or feel anything, to crazy .
And without a good name of a well family, 
Your nobody in their eyes but Jesus do not sees so like them !
A soul or a body like yours- disabled.
I don't think that in church will ever talk someone about this kind of topics ,
This kind of topics are kind of hard for normal ones and pastors do to talk about it !
And in the Bible did not say anything about people in wheelchair --
That they will ever get married someday or not... 
Or something like this,.
I think you know better than me that persons with disabilities ,,
In our Church the big people up there they don't talk such things
Because The Lov it is only for normal people out there...
Not for disabilities ones so ,,,
I think even they do not know what to say about this kind of Topics,
Haha, even with the Bible in their hands ! 

? To think about ?.,
Even if a miracle will come someday 
In a life of a disabled person ,,
You must know 
That thing comes only from God
If the normal people listen to the voice of above !.
 - A. A. Popovici,